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Student Programs Services

Comprehensive Afterschool Programs

Afterschool Programs provide a comprehensive array of academic, enrichment, recreation and youth development opportunities for students. The Programs have a set capacity, based on funding, and while they are open to all students, may have priorities for enrollment based on academic, social or economic need.

Program Grade Level When
YEP (Youth Enrichment Program)         


Daily; end of day- 6pm

College & Career Readiness

These resources are focused on ensuring students graduate prepared for success in college and careers. This includes activities that build a college-going culture as well as those which support high school graduation, college readiness, career exploration, etc.

School-Day (Academic) Supports

Programs for supporting student success during school. Some of these services are available to all students and some services are available only to students who have been referred to the Coordination of Services Team (COST) or who qualify for certain programs. Parents, students and teachers can refer to COST.

Program Grade Level When
PE, Music + Science


1x week 



1x week

Instrumental Music/Choir


2x week

Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI)


3x week

Academic Intervention


3x week

English Language Development



Health & Wellness

These include a continuum of health and wellness services for students, families and school staff, such as school-wide climate programs, direct health and mental health services, health education, coaching and consultation for students and families, and staff training, coaching or wellness programs.

Program Function Access
Soul Shoppe

Social emotional curriculum focusing on emotional awareness and conflict resolution


Crisis Support Service                 

Individual counseling of students 

COST referral

Youth & Family Service Bureau

Chill n chat lunch sessions, student support groups, parent workshops

                          COST referral

School Nurse

Provides ongoing and acute medical care


Class Teacher

Daily mindfulness practice with students



Afterschool Services

These are specialized services provided in the afterschool hours, either as part of a comprehensive extended day program or as a stand-alone class. Activities offered as part of a program are only open to students enrolled in that program; stand-alone classes have their own criteria.

Program Grade Level When
Drama Club


Thurs. and Fri; 2:45-4:30pm

Instrum. Music


Wed.; 12:45-1:15pm

Ukuele Club


Every other Thurs.; 3:00-4:00pm

Art Club


Tuesday, 3:00-4:00pm

Step Club


Thurs.; 5:00-6:00pm

Homework Help 


M-Thurs; dismissal +  2 hrs. 

Family Engagement & Support

Family engagement activities are focused on increasing parents’ understanding of what their children are learning and involving them in supporting their students’ success. Family support services helps meet the families’ needs so that they can support their children’s overall development.




Family Engage-ment Specialist

Supports parents in navigating schools, supporting learning, and caring for the family 

Monday, Fridays, and every other Weds.


Services and supports for families through district and county agencies 

Daily, 8:30-4:00pm

Parent Teacher Assoc. (PTA)

Enhances student learning, builds community and school spirit

Monthly Meeting

School Site Council (SSC)

Makes decisions regarding student learning goals and how to spend site funding

Monthly Meeting

Site Based Decision Making (SBDM)

Makes decisions regarding school policy and staff development

Monthly Meeting

English Learner Advisory Committee  (ELAC)

Decision making group for programs and services of English Leaerners

Monthly Meeting