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Google Classroom Login Support

Logging Into Google Classroom

Your student must be logged into their HUSD account through either their chromebook or an internet browser. To log into that account, they will need their Person ID number and their school lunch number. Please contact their classroom teacher or our Attendance Clerk for assistance. 

You can view the staff directory.

Once your student is logged in, they can either join a class or go to a class they've already joined. To join a class, please use the class codes listed to the right of the page. 




Google Classroom Codes

Science Classes
Grade Class Code
1st dk5j27w
2nd jmxoorj
3rd uk73hjl
4th 5w2t27b
5th db25qr5
6th mfdiim7
PE Classes
Grade Levels Class Code
1st-6th fpm7ie4